Dangers of Chlorine

    What Chlorine is 
    [1] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Emergency Preparedness and Response: Facts about Chlorine.  https://emergency.cdc.gov/agent/chlorine/basics/facts.asp. Accessed, December 23, 2021.

    Materials developed by CDC. Reference to specific commercial products, manufacturers, companies, or trademarks does not constitute its endorsement or recommendation by the U.S. Government, Department of Health and Human Services, or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This material is otherwise available on the agency website for no charge.

    Chlorine Scientific Image
  • Chlorine is an element used in industry and found in some household products
  • Chlorine is sometimes in the form of a poisonous gas. Chlorine gas can be pressurized and cooled to change it into a liquid so that it can be shipped and stored. When liquid chlorine is released, it quickly turns into a gas that stays close to the ground and spreads rapidly.
  • Chlorine gas can be recognized by its pungent, irritating odor, which is like the odor of bleach. The strong smell may provide adequate warning to people that they are exposed.
  • Chlorine gas appears to be yellow-green in color.
  • Chlorine itself is not flammable, but it can react explosively or form explosive compounds with other chemicals such as turpentine and ammonia.

    Where Chlorine is found and how it is used 
    [1] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Emergency Preparedness and Response: Facts about Chlorine.  https://emergency.cdc.gov/agent/chlorine/basics/facts.asp. Accessed, December 23, 2021.

    Materials developed by CDC. Reference to specific commercial products, manufacturers, companies, or trademarks does not constitute its endorsement or recommendation by the U.S. Government, Department of Health and Human Services, or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This material is otherwise available on the agency website for no charge.

  • Chlorine is one of the most commonly manufactured chemicals in the United States. It's most important use is as a bleach in the manufacture of paper and cloth, but it is also used to make pesticides (insect killers), rubber, and solvents.
  • Chlorine is used in drinking water and swimming pool water to kill harmful bacteria. It is also as used as part of the sanitation process for industrial waste and sewage.
  • Household chlorine bleach can release chlorine gas if it is mixed with certain other cleaning agents.
  • Chlorine was used during World War I as a choking (pulmonary) agent.

    How people can be exposed to Chlorine 
    [1] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Emergency Preparedness and Response: Facts about Chlorine.  https://emergency.cdc.gov/agent/chlorine/basics/facts.asp. Accessed, December 23, 2021.

    Materials developed by CDC. Reference to specific commercial products, manufacturers, companies, or trademarks does not constitute its endorsement or recommendation by the U.S. Government, Department of Health and Human Services, or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This material is otherwise available on the agency website for no charge.

  • People’s risk for exposure depends on how close they are to the place where the chlorine was released.
  • If chlorine gas is released into the air, people may be exposed through skin contact or eye contact. They also may be exposed by breathing air that contains chlorine.
  • If chlorine liquid is released into water, people may be exposed by touching or drinking water that contains chlorine.
  • If chlorine liquid comes into contact with food, people may be exposed by eating the contaminated food.
  • Chlorine gas is heavier than air, so it would settle in low-lying areas.

    How Chlorine works 
    [1] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Emergency Preparedness and Response: Facts about Chlorine.  https://emergency.cdc.gov/agent/chlorine/basics/facts.asp. Accessed, December 23, 2021.

    Materials developed by CDC. Reference to specific commercial products, manufacturers, companies, or trademarks does not constitute its endorsement or recommendation by the U.S. Government, Department of Health and Human Services, or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This material is otherwise available on the agency website for no charge.

  • The extent of poisoning caused by chlorine depends on the amount of chlorine a person is exposed to, how the person was exposed, and the length of time of the exposure.
  • When chlorine gas comes into contact with moist tissues such as the eyes, throat, and lungs, an acid is produced that can damage these tissues.

    Immediate signs & symptoms of Chlorine exposure 
    [1] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Emergency Preparedness and Response: Facts about Chlorine.  https://emergency.cdc.gov/agent/chlorine/basics/facts.asp. Accessed, December 23, 2021.

    Materials developed by CDC. Reference to specific commercial products, manufacturers, companies, or trademarks does not constitute its endorsement or recommendation by the U.S. Government, Department of Health and Human Services, or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This material is otherwise available on the agency website for no charge.

  • During or immediately after exposure to dangerous concentrations of chlorine, the following signs and symptoms may develop:
    • Blurred vision
    • Burning pain, redness, and blisters on the skin if exposed to gas. Skin injuries similar to frostbite can occur if it is exposed to liquid chlorine
    • Burning sensation in the nose, throat, and eyes
    • Coughing
    • Chest tightness
    • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. These may appear immediately if high concentrations of chlorine gas are inhaled, or they may be delayed if low concentrations of chlorine gas are inhaled.
    • Fluid in the lungs (pulmonary edema) that may be delayed for a few hours
    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Watery eyes
    • Wheezing
  • Showing these signs or symptoms does not necessarily mean that a person has been exposed to chlorine.

    What the long-term health effects of Chlorine are 
    [1] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Emergency Preparedness and Response: Facts about Chlorine.  https://emergency.cdc.gov/agent/chlorine/basics/facts.asp. Accessed, December 23, 2021.

    Materials developed by CDC. Reference to specific commercial products, manufacturers, companies, or trademarks does not constitute its endorsement or recommendation by the U.S. Government, Department of Health and Human Services, or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This material is otherwise available on the agency website for no charge.

  • Long-term complications may occur after breathing in high concentrations of chlorine. Complications are more likely to be seen in people who develop severe health problems such as fluid in the lungs (pulmonary edema) following the initial exposure.

    How people can protect themselves, and what they should do if they are exposed to Chlorine 
    [1] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Emergency Preparedness and Response: Facts about Chlorine.  https://emergency.cdc.gov/agent/chlorine/basics/facts.asp. Accessed, December 23, 2021.

    Materials developed by CDC. Reference to specific commercial products, manufacturers, companies, or trademarks does not constitute its endorsement or recommendation by the U.S. Government, Department of Health and Human Services, or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This material is otherwise available on the agency website for no charge.

  • Leave the area where the chlorine was released and get to fresh air. Quickly moving to an area where fresh air is available is highly effective in reducing exposure to chlorine.
    • If the chlorine release was outdoors, move away from the area where the chlorine was released. Go to the highest ground possible, because chlorine is heavier than air and will sink to low-lying areas.
    • If the chlorine release was indoors, get out of the building.
  • If you think you may have been exposed, remove your clothing, rapidly wash your entire body with soap and water, and get medical care as quickly as possible.
  • Removing and disposing of clothing:
    • Quickly take off clothing that has liquid chlorine on it. Any clothing that has to be pulled over the head should be cut off the body instead of pulled over the head. If possible, seal the clothing in a plastic bag. Then seal the first plastic bag in a second plastic bag. Removing and sealing the clothing in this way will help protect you and other people from any chemicals that might be on your clothes.
    • If you placed your clothes in plastic bags, inform either the local or state health department or emergency personnel upon their arrival. Do not handle the plastic bags.
    • If you are helping other people remove their clothing, try to avoid touching any contaminated areas, and remove the clothing as quickly as possible.
  • Washing the body:
    • As quickly as possible, wash your entire body with large amounts of soap and water. Washing with soap and water will help protect people from any chemicals on their bodies.
    • If your eyes are burning or your vision is blurred, rinse your eyes with plain water for 10 to 15 minutes. If you wear contacts, remove them before rinsing your eyes, and place them in the bags with the contaminated clothing. Do not put the contacts back in your eyes. You should dispose of them even if you do not wear disposable contacts. If you wear eyeglasses, wash them with soap and water. You can put the eyeglasses back on after you wash them.
  • If you have swallowed (ingested) chlorine, do not induce vomiting or drink fluids.
  • Seek medical attention right away. Consider dialing 911 and explaining what has happened.

    How Chlorine exposure is treated 
    [1] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Emergency Preparedness and Response: Facts about Chlorine.  https://emergency.cdc.gov/agent/chlorine/basics/facts.asp. Accessed, December 23, 2021.

    Materials developed by CDC. Reference to specific commercial products, manufacturers, companies, or trademarks does not constitute its endorsement or recommendation by the U.S. Government, Department of Health and Human Services, or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This material is otherwise available on the agency website for no charge.

    No antidote exists for chlorine exposure. Treatment consists of removing the chlorine from the body as soon as possible and providing supportive medical care such as inhaled breathing treatments for wheezing in a hospital setting.

    Results of Chlorine Exposure within Pools.

    Chlorine is an unfortunate yet well known additive in pool sanitation despite its toxic contribution to numerous negative health effects. Many environmental conditions are catalysts in lowering chlorine concentrations fairly quickly within your swimming pool. Those responsible for maintenance of your pool’s water balance often over-chlorinate to counter the reduction of chlorine due to these conditions. Chlorine is the primary component in the production of chloramines within swimming pools which disperses toxic gases which contribute to many illnesses and injuries. Both the CDC & EPA classifies some chlorine based products as essentially a pesticide.

    [1] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Emergency Preparedness and Response: Facts about Chlorine.  https://emergency.cdc.gov/agent/chlorine/basics/facts.asp. Accessed, December 23, 2021.

    Materials developed by CDC. Reference to specific commercial products, manufacturers, companies, or trademarks does not constitute its endorsement or recommendation by the U.S. Government, Department of Health and Human Services, or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This material is otherwise available on the agency website for no charge.

    [11] Environmental Protection Agency. R.E.D. FACTS: Chlorine gas. PDF File.  https://www3.epa.gov/pesticides/chem_search/reg_actions/reregistration/fs_PC-020501_1-Feb-99.pdf. Accessed December 23, 2021.

    Materials developed by EPA. Reference to specific commercial products, manufacturers, companies, or trademarks does not constitute its endorsement or recommendation by the U.S. Government, Department of Health and Human Services, or Environmental Protection Agency. This material is otherwise available on the agency website for no charge.

    Chlorine has also been used in gas form as a weapon of war throughout history with the intention of inflicting harm to the respiratory system, eyes and skin.
    [9] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Chlorine: Lung Damaging Agent.  https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/ershdb/emergencyresponsecard_29750024.html. Accessed December 23, 2021.

    Materials developed by CDC. Reference to specific commercial products, manufacturers, companies, or trademarks does not constitute its endorsement or recommendation by the U.S. Government, Department of Health and Human Services, or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This material is otherwise available on the agency website for no charge.

      In-turn, medical facilities are seeing increased cases of illnesses and injuries caused by chlorine from swimming pools.

    Other known Hazards caused by high levels of chlorine exposure. 
    [16] The New Jersey Department of Health. (November 2007, Rev.: October 2015). Chlorine Public Fact Sheet. State of New Jersey.  https://nj.gov/health/eoh/rtkweb/documents/fs/0367.pdf.

    Materials developed by State of New Jersey: The New Jersey Department of Health. Reference to specific commercial products, manufacturers, companies, or trademarks does not constitute its endorsement or recommendation by the U.S. Government, Department of Health and Human Services, or State of New Jersey: The New Jersey Department of Health. This material is otherwise available on the agency website for no charge.

  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis
  • Chest Tightness
  • Coughing
  • Damage to Teeth
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Hoarseness of throat
  • Loss of Voice
  • Nausea & Vomiting
  • Pulmonary Edema
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Skin Rash
  • Swelling & Blisters
  • Wheezing

    Short-term (acute) effects: 
    [15] The Department of Community Health. (January 2004). Chlorine Public Fact Sheet. State of Michigan.  https://www.michigan.gov/documents/Chlorine_factsheet_82357_7.pdf.

    Materials developed by State of Michigan: The Department of Community Health. Reference to specific commercial products, manufacturers, companies, or trademarks does not constitute its endorsement or recommendation by the U.S. Government, Department of Health and Human Services, or State of Michigan: The Department of Community Health. This material is otherwise available on the agency website for no charge.

  • Short-term exposures to low levels of chlorine in the air rarely lead to any long-lasting lung changes. Any exposure from smelling appropriately treated drinking water or swimming pool water is not harmful.
  • Acute exposure to high concentrations of chlorine can lead to a build-up of fluid in the lungs (pulmonary edema) and severe shortness of breath that could lead to death if untreated. Immediately or within a few hours after breathing chlorine gas, the lungs can become irritated, causing coughing and/or shortness of breath. The amount of time before these symptoms occur is dependent on the amount of chlorine to which one is exposed. (The higher the amount one is exposed to, the shorter the amount of time before symptoms are seen.) Exposure may result in nose and throat irritation, watery eyes, coughing, bloody nose, nausea, vomiting, chest pain, and/or lightheadedness.
  • Drinking a chlorine solution can cause vomiting, nausea, and throat and stomach irritation. The vomit is likely to have a chlorine smell to it.
  • Contact with chlorine gas can severely burn and irritate the eyes and skin upon contact, possibly causing permanent damage. Liquid chlorine solutions (such as bleach) can have vapors that are irritating to the eyes, nose and throat. Chlorine bleach can cause irritation to exposed skin.
  • When chlorine vapor or solution comes into contact with moist tissues (such as those found in the nose, eyes, throat, and lungs), it forms an acid (hydrochloric acid) and can damage the exposed tissue.
  • Contact with chlorine liquid (gas kept under pressure) can cause frostbite and chemical burns to the skin.
  • The elderly, smokers, and persons with chronic pulmonary disease may be at greatest risk for breathing problems following acute exposure.
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